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90-Min Discounted Video/Phone/eMail Psychic Card Consultation  

1 hr 30 mins£72

Ninety minutes of Psychic Spiritual Guidance & Mentoring. This option is ideal for more complex cases. This reading is the most popular choice for an in-depth investigation of all aspects of life and full guidance about best ways and choices to change your life and your future for the better.This service has a discount of 15% and £13.

Normally we use Google Meet or Microsoft Teams that will send you a link to the video in the confirmation email, please check it out before we start to avoid issues that might reduce important time.

You can also provide your WhatsApp number or Skype username as applicable, in case Meet or Teams don't work on your phone or laptop.

Please let me know which your preference is for making advanced payment of £79:
a) Make full payment through this website's secure Stripe platform.
b) Transfer the full amount to my bank account either via the account itself or via my mobile number.
c) Make advanced payment via the phone and the secure Stripe App with debit/credit card or via a payment request link.
d) Or, if you prefer, via Paypal either to my email address or my mobile number, or a payment request that I can send you, if you should prefer.